Community Council Meeting Dates:
Meetings will be held on the 1st Thursday of February, April, June (AGM also), August, October and December.
They will be alternating between Aberlemno Village Hall and Farnell SWI Hall, starting at 7pm.
The agenda for the meetings will be published in advance and everyone is welcome to come along. If there is something you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please do let us know in good time so that we can allocate sufficient time for it to be discussed.
To contact the Aberlemno and District community council, please e mail us at:
Click here to view the Standing Orders for the Aberlemno and District community council. The Constitution will be added to this page soon.

SSEN East Coast 400kv proposals
Please note that the feedback period will be closing next Monday, 15 April, for the following projects:
We welcome your feedback on our proposals and you can submit a Community Council response via:
- Feedback form on the project website.
- Email at
- Post; FAO Rhiannon Merritt, SSEN Transmission, 10 Henderson Road, Inverness, IV1 1SN.
We look forward to hearing from you and please do not hesitate to contact us if we can assist with any questions at all.
Rhiannon Merritt | Community Liaison Manager
SSEN Transmission, 10 Henderson Road, Inverness, IV1 1SN
Minutes from Community Council Meetings
Please click on the relevant date below to see a copy of the minutes from the community council meetings:
6 February 2025
5 December 2024 - meeting cancelled
3rd October 2024 - to be approved
15th June 2023 - Special Meeting
Here are the links to the Road Traffic Regulations as discussed at the April 2023 meeting:

Thank you to everyone that attended the Community Council Special Meeting on 15th June 2023 to discuss the SSEN East Coast 400kv proposals.
Here are the documents discussed at the meeting:
- Draft minutes which include all points raised at the meeting
- Simple Letter Template
- Example Letter to MPs, MSPs, Angus Councillors etc
- Email Addresses - Angus Councillors, MPs, MSPs
- Electric and Magnetic Fields Fact Sheet
- Community Council Consultation Response
To allow more time for those interested in the East Coast 400kV phase 2 project to share their views SSEN have extended the consultation period until Friday 28th July in recognition of the extent of local interest in the project and to allow stakeholders and members of the community more time to share their views on the initial proposals.
You can contact the Aberlemno and District Community Council at or through this website using 'contact us'
Click Here to visit the SSEN website
Planning reports
Community councils have a part to play in the determination of planning applications in their area.
- A list of registered planning applications is sent to all community councils who have 7 days to inform the Planning Authority they wish to be consulted
- The Planning Authority can send a planning application to the community council if it is of particular significance and ask for views
- Community councils should be consulted as part of pre-application inquiries
- Community councils can help in local planning preparation by providing a local view and information.
Angus Council is required to prepare and publish a local plan setting out their planning policies and where developments like housing will happen. Community councils can represent their area views in this process.
Public Access can be used to search for planning applications, appeals and enforcements.
Click on the links below to view the weekly planning applications that affect Aberlemno:

Help us create a better environment to walk, wheel and cycle in Angus. Find out about, and have your say on, the proposals for each area.

The Scottish Government wants to make it as easy as possible for those who wish to express their opinions on a proposed area of work to do so in ways which will inform and enhance that work.
Click here to find and take part in consultations that interest or impact you.
Meet the members of your Aberlemno and District community council:

Katherine Thomson, Treasurer
I was born in Fife, where I lived until 2009, followed by moves throughout Perthshire, Dundee and surround, before finally settling in Aberlemno in 2021.
My day job is as a chartered accountant based in Aberdeen and Inverurie, and I joined the community council in April 2024, and took on the role of treasurer from June 2024.

Isabelle Davies, Planning
Born and bred in Fife, I lived in Aberdeen and Glasgow before settling in Aberlemno over 30 years ago. I have been involved with the Aberlemno Village Hall for many years and with other groups as my son grew up.
Working in the planning department of Angus Council since 1996 I strongly believe that local residents should have more say in decisions that affect them. I want to help make our voice heard.
Aberlemno and District Community Council is the new version of the former Aberlemno Community Council
So who are we?
Currently there are five of us - all local residents - but there are opportunities for you to join us. Local people and elected members are invited to join us, submit items they think the community council should look at, and even request a special meeting of the community council.
Community Council Positions
Chairperson - casual vacancy (Robyn Calder holding post until sooner of AGM or new candidate )
Secretary - Fiona Cameron
Treasurer - Katherine Thomson
Data Protection Officer - Jelle de Bruin
Communications Officer - Robyn Calder
Where are we?
Well, the community council area is pretty big (click here for the map) - from Farnell to Aberlemno to Balgavies. Current members are from Aberlemno so we would like others from the rest of the area to join us.
What do we do?
The community council is there to represent residents’ views to Angus Council and Scottish Government. We are here to:
- ascertain, co-ordinate and reflect the views of the Aberlemno and District community, to liaise with other community groups within the area, and to fairly express the diversity of opinions and out-looks of the people in our area;
- express the views of the community to the local authority for the area, to public authorities and other organisations;
- take such action in the interests of the community as appears to it to be desirable and practicable;
- promote the well-being of the community and to foster a community spirit;
- be a means whereby the people of Aberlemno and District shall be able to voice their opinions on any matter affecting their lives, their welfare, their environment, its development and amenities.
We will meet on the first Thursday of every second month starting in Aberlemno Hall on 1st December alternating with Farnell Hall.
How to find out what’s going on
This page will keep you up to date and meetings etc will be posted on the notice boards at Aberlemno and Farnell. But if there are other noticeboards we could use please let us know.
What’s in the area?
Aberlemno and Farnell village halls - activities, how to get involved, where they are. The halls are a facility for all residents…
Aberlemno Primary school serves most of the area…
Aberlemno Church and Farnell Church
Local Businesses…well, you tell us.....
Tell us more - we are planning to hold a community event in early 2023 so you can meet us and we can meet you. In the meantime a few questions to get us going:
- What do you like/not like about the area?
- What would make it better?
- Do you feel involved/know what is going on?
- What do you need from your community council?
- How can we find out/gather community views?
Contact us
Post box at Aberlemno and Farnell Hall
Email -
And finally
You can click here to visit the community council directory website for Angus.
On this site you will find all the information you need about other community councils in Angus.
For more information about this site please contact us
Click here to view our Privacy Notice