Phase 2: Public Engagement Event
The Restoring the River South Esk project is underway as the River South Esk Catchment Partners work to deliver their
ambitious plans for the creation and restoration of wetland habitats, and the improvement of in-river conditions for
biodiversity and climate resilience in Glen Clova and beyond.
Historically, woodland in Glen Clova would have helped moderate the runoff of water from the hill, had a mitigating effect on
fluctuations of humidity and temperature in the Glen, and provided habitats for wildlife and sequestered atmospheric carbon.
We hope to restore some of these processes. Led by the variable capability of the ground at Rottal to support different kinds
of scrub and tree species, we are exploring how a combination of planting and stimulation of natural regeneration can help
restore these woodland and montane scrub habitats creating a greater diversity of vegetation in the landscape.
Development of these plans, in conjunction with Scottish Forestry and CNPA, constitute Phase 2 of the catchment
restoration plans at Rottal; the restoration of native woodland habitats at Rottal to further contribute to the biodiversity and
climate resilience of the holding and the wider catchment.
The River South Esk Catchment Partners would like to welcome members of the local community and other interested parties to engage with the progress of the river restoration project to date, and the plans for the next stage of habitat creation.
We will therefore be holding a drop-in event at Rottal Steading on 6th February 2025, between 3pm and 6pm.
Representatives from each of the member organisations will be there to share information and answer any questions you might have about the proposals. Tea and coffee will be provided, as will detailed maps of the project phases.
Nature restoration isn’t an exact science. We are keen to share our experiences of delivering nature restoration at Rottal. Rottal takes its role as a steward of the ecology in Glen Clova seriously, and also in demonstrating how land management can be approached to deliver positive climate and biodiversity outcomes through adaptive management while still supporting local rural economies as part of a just transition.
We really hope you will be able to join us on the 6th to help us fulfil that ambition.
To view the proposals for new woodland ahead of the event visit our website, under More and follow the Nature Restoration tab: https://www.rottalestates.com/copy-of-about-us
Contact charlie@sylvestris.uk with any questions.
Take a look at the Farmhouse on-line

Draft Local Development Plan Participation Statement 2024
We want your views on our Draft 2024 Participation Statement.
The Angus Local Development Plan sets out detailed policies and proposals to guide development and investment over a 10-year period. It gets reviewed every five years and is used as a basis for determining planning applications.
Every year we prepare a Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement. These provide information on how and when the next Angus Local Development Plan will be prepared.
Our Draft Participation Statement sets out how we plan to inform, engage, collaborate, involve and consult, and the methods of engagement we may use.
Click here to access the Draft Participation Statement and to have your say.
Please close the gate
Please could we all take care to close field gates behind us when out walking. There is one particular gate, in the photos, that is regularly being left open between Balbinny and Aberlemno. For the protection of the animals, please remember to close the gates behind you when you go through them. Thank you

My name is Douglas and I’m completing a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Management. As part of my honours project, I’m investigating how our understanding and perception of the Scottish rainforest impacts the conservation of this special habitat. As such I’m reaching out to people from every region of Scotland and asking them to complete a survey which should take between 10-20 minutes linked below. The survey is completely anonymous, and I’d greatly appreciate if you took the time to contribute to my research.
Many thanks

Click on the link below to view the Voluntary Action Angus Weekly Bulletins:
Bulletin – Voluntary Action Angus

North Angus, Brechin and Montrose Tourism and Heritage Improvements
Thinking Big For North Angus
We were in the early stages of designing an exciting and ambitious scheme for North Angus, Brechin and Montrose when Storm Babet hit the area with such force.
While this has clearly changed priorities for this area of North Angus, we believe that this scheme could compliment recovery work by enhancing new and existing tourist and heritage destinations, connecting them via safe routes to walk, wheel and cycle.
For more information and to complete the survey, click here

Heating oil has become an expensive commodity, making it an attractive target for thieves.
Due to a recent rise in theft of fuel from domestic and commercial tanks please find below some tips to avoid becoming a victim of such a crime:
- Deter thieves from entering your property by installing and using lockable gates and by maintaining boundaries and perimeter fencing;
- Plant shrubs or install fences to hide exposed domestic heating oil tanks from the eyes of opportunist thieves cruising the neighbourhood;
- Consider fitting a locking cap to your tank;
- Check tank oil levels regularly;
- Where possible install automatic movement sensor security lighting to cover your tank and the immediate surrounding area;
- Note suspicious vehicle registration numbers and report them to the police through the 101 number;
- If tanks are located in outbuildings or sheds, ensure these are kept locked;
- Be aware that if thieves have already stolen fuel from your tank they may return to steal any replacement oil you order;
- Be especially vigilant following a recent delivery of oil/diesel;
- Consider fitting an alarm system that notifies you if fuel is being drained from the tank.
Report any suspicious activity, or those involved, to Police Scotland by calling 101. In an emergency, call 999.
Click here for some further useful tips on preventing oil theft.

Davidson Legacy Cottage: Community Ownership Project
Why we want to hear from you
The Davidson Legacy Cottage is located on the east of Scotland in Netherton, Angus. The cottage is named due to the Davidsons who lived in the cottage and emigrated to the USA in 1857. When William C Davidson reached America, he married and raised a family – three of his sons providing the Davidson name along with one William Harley, that created a global sensation.
Davidson Legacy Cottage SCIO have a simple aim, to raise funds in order to purchase the property from the current owners who plan to retire. As the current owners have restored the property to as it would have been when the Davidson’s lived there, they want to keep the legacy rather than sell to a property developer, which could place the cottage and its history at risk of being lost.
Taking the cottage into community ownership would ensure the safeguarding of this historic site, for future generations, the local community and visitors from all over the world.
The main aims of the Davidson Legacy Preservation Group (DLPG) are:
- Purchase the Cottage on behalf of the community
- Preserve the history
- Improve accessibility
- Develop the amenities as a Heritage site
- Encourage Community Engagement
- Host regular events
If you live, work, or spend time in or around Angus or any of the neighbouring communities, we are looking for your views on the changes, that will make the Cottage into the best possible asset it can be, for the whole community, bikers, and visitors to the site. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. You can request a paper copy of the survey from the DLPG committee or fill it in HERE.
There are two mobile libraries which serve the residents of rural Angus, providing a traditional lending service as well as community information.
There’s a wide range of stock on board for people of all ages. The service operates on a fortnightly basis and both our vans are fully accessible with disabled lift access.
Also offered are:
- A hearing aid battery supply service
- Tailored services to rural schools, nurseries and playgroups
- Supporting partners to deliver health and wellbeing information sessions
Click here for the fulltimetable and map.

There is a defibrillator at the Aberlemno Church. It is on the outside wall of the Church clearly visible to your left as you enter the main gate.
The location details are:
Aberlemno Church
Postcode: DD8 3PE
What3words: status.currently.copycat
Coordinates: NO 5222 5557
Consultation to begin as Angus Rural Mobility Hub plans progress
Consultation is set to begin as Angus Council and Dalhousie Estates engage with local community councils, City of Brechin and District Community Council, and Inveresk Community Council to help shape their proposal for the Angus Rural Mobility Hub in Brechin.
Click here to read more.
Take a look at the latest edition of Rural Matters.
A bi-monthly bulletin produced by the Police Scotland North East Division Crime Reduction Team aimed at keeping you up to date with what’s happening in our countryside.
In this edition of Rural Matters -
- We investigate a high tech solution to deter criminals and protect your property.
- PC Richard Russell answers your questions regarding CCTV.
- PC Jonathon Davis talks about suicide in rural communities.
- Following the Horse Society’s September safety campaign PC Hannah Corbett explains how horse riders and road users can stay safe.
- And we look at how fraudsters are targeting families suffering as a result of the cost of living crisis.

Resources that can help with fatigue, sleep and anxiety
The National Wellbeing Hub has wide-ranging free content which is aimed at encouraging us to look after ourselves and seek help when we need it.
It contains information on (evidence-based) resources to enable self-care and the most comprehensive information on services available (e.g. helplines, peer support) at national, regional and local levels.
A number of key resources are available on the National Wellbeing Hub, including apps and online programmes:
Sleepio (click to access the evidence based sleep improvement programme)
Daylight (click to access ways of improving general wellbeing)
Silvercloud (click to access a structured programme based on CBT focusing on supporting your wellbeing, including managing your mental health, resilience, stress and sleep. Use code NHS2020)
For more information you can also follow @PRoMISScot @scotgovhealth on Twitter.
Can you help?
Do you know anyone who was in the Aberlemno WRI between 1952-1955?
Or did you know postman Hampton?
One armed postie Hampton, cycled from Forfar every day to deliver the post to Aberlemno whatever the weather. He was always cheerful and carries a lot of local news as well as the post.
When Aberlemno WRI were creating the embroidered map every WRI member put in some stictches to complete the map, which postie Hampton carried from house to house
Do you know anyone who was involved?
Did your mum/ granny help with a few stitches? Was your dad/ grandad/ uncle Postie Hampton?
Please get in touch if you have any information - through contact us on this website.

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Click here to view our Privacy Notice
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