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Message from Brian August 2024

I have been fortunate to serve over the years in a number of historic Churches, each with their own stories. One of them was a tiny 11th Century Church.

Next to the pulpit on the south side was a special window which had been added to the building when a lepers colony was opened near to the church. Those who were there suffering from leprosy were kept in strict isolation and could not mix with other people.

The window was added right next to where the altar stood so that those suffering people could watch the Sacraments taking place and receive the blessing given to the congregation by the Priest.

It was a beautiful historic building but there at its heart was a reminder of our duty to care for the weak and the vulnerable in our world. No doubt the Leprosy crisis was a huge one for in those days- seven special hospitals were built around Scotland as well as many colonies. Today our nation and our world face very different problems, although Leprosy is still a serious problem in some places.

That window in that little Church is a reminder that we show our faith and trust in God with our care and concern for other human beings; that we serve Him by caring for those in need.

May God bless you and all those you love,

A prayer

Heavenly Father, from whom all life’s blessings come, we pray that by Your guidance and inspiration we may be thankful for those blessings and show our thankfulness in caring for and helping others.

We pray for everyone who is struggling at this time, that they may find comfort and peace and that we may be shown ways that we may support them.

Bless our neighbours, friends and those we love and keep them safe we pray.

In Jesus’ name.

Aberlemno Parish Church

This small country parish church has a long history. A church here was dedicated by Bishop David de Bernham in 1242, but the site's history may be substantially longer.

There is documentary evidence to suggest that Aberlemno Kirk was originally called Egglespether, a Pictish church of around 710AD by King Nechtan, although this is not agreed by some scholars. On the register of churches belonging to Restenneth in 1161/2 Egglespether is mentioned but by 1230 it had become known as Aberlemno.

The building today largely dates to 1722 when the church was more or less completely rebuilt, although a ridge of possibly earlier stonework survives at the base of the church's walls. It has a T-shape plan, with a later porch and rear extension. The church is built in coursed sandstone rubble, with ashlar surrounds and has a slate roof. It is surrounded by a small graveyard and the manse stands to the east.

The church is surrounded by a graveyard with many 19th century stones. It is famous for its Pictish stone however, which stands near the west gable of the church. It dates to the 8th century and commemorates the battle of Nechtansmere.

In 1983 the Church was linked to the neighbouring parish of Guthrie and Rescobie.

Although it is a very historic Church, it still has a very active congregation with weekly services.

A few photos taken when putting up the Christmas decorations in the Church:

Aberlemno Church Coffee Morning
5th November 2022

Click here to download an annotated PDF copy of the above photos.

Did you know there is the Aberlemno book club based in Aberlemno Church? The idea is that you can go along to the ‘library” to pick up a book. You may also take one you have read and no longer need in to the library as a swap. If you simply take a book the charge is £2. However, if you take along a book to exchange the charge is only £1.

The books are in the Church at the back of the west pews so can be accessed at any time during the day whilst the church is open. Please do feel free to browse the selection or add to the books on offer.

It was a very poignant 2022Easter Church service for the congregation of Aberlemno Parish Church .

In the presence of all eight elders, it was the last time that our much loved Reverend Brian Ramsay stepped down from the pulpit at Aberlemno.

We all hope he will enjoy a long and happy retirement.

Memorial Stone

During the first lockdown I was asked to find a gravestone at Aberlemno for a gentleman trying to trace his ancestors. Whilst researching this I discovered that there was an area at the West of the Kirkyard which had been set aside for the burial of infants and still-born babies. As there was nothing to mark this area, we decided we should put a Memorial stone on the wall where these little ones were laid to rest. I contacted David McGovern of Monikie Rock Art who, when he heard what the memorial was for, very kindly donated the stone which he created. Raymond and Kelly prepared the area beside the stone and we were able to dedicate it on Sunday 25th of April not only to remember those little ones and their heart-broken families but also those today who go through the same tragic loss.


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