Funny witty and convincing
The Forfar Dramatic Society preformed a number of short sketches, which were very warmly received by the audience
It was obvious that a lot of hard work had gone into the production.
And thanks should be given to all who help
in this great night so thanks to you all
for the wine,food and fun....................Very good :)
Aberlemno Village Hall Committee
is proud to present
Forfar Dramatic Society
In a one act play entitled
And a series of Comedy Sketches at Aberlemno Hall
On Saturday 21 April
The evening will start with Cheese and Wine and an opportunity to find out what is happening in and around the Hall this year – and an introduction to the Aberlemno website.
Price £5
Doors open 7.30p
(Accompanied children under 15 free)
Contact 01307 830295 for details
Aberlemno Village Hall
Note of Meeting of the 7 February 2012
George McDonald (Chair); Susan Steel (Treasurer); Isabelle Davies (Sec); Marie Spence (Vice
Chair); Caroline Stuart; Sue Becker; Adam Pearce; Sandy Spence; Sue Jessop; Paul Duncan
Brian Ramsey; Dave Duncan; Marion McDonald; Suthira Pearce
1. Minute of previous meeting was agreed
2. Matters Arising
3. Burns Supper Feedback
• Thanks to the Committee and all the support network
• SS reported that £900 was raised, numbers and income down on 2011
• Letters of thanks sent(ID)
• Meal and Speakers well received
• It was agreed to retain the same format
• It was agreed to raise ticket price to £12
• Date of 2013 Supper- 26 January - thoughts for Speakers Andrew Blackie (To the
Lassies) and Brenda Wilson (Reply). Any other suggestions?
• Gifts to be arranged for the piper and helpers
• Burns Supper Task list circulated - any comments to ID
• Consider medley of Burns songs by the Band rather than a singer?
4. Kitchen Campaign
5. Website